Trobajo del Camino .


The area now occupied Trobajo del Camino has been inhabited by humans since the Lower Paleolithic period (about 100,000 years ago), as by the appearance of various stone chips and splitters Acheulean period is shown in the places of “Luniega” and ” Foyascal “.

In Luniega located on the 2nd natural terrace of Bernesga, about 40 meters above the river, 211 pieces of lithic were found, all of quartzite, including flakes, cleavers, scrapers .. and any parts belonging to the Paleolithic superior (1 burin, 2 drillers and 2 truncated slivers). The Foyascal is next to Luniega, and is on the 3rd terrace of Bernesga, about 55-60 meters above the river, here 15 pieces (flakes, worked edges and cores) were found. Arguably these deposits are related there also Villabalter, Oteruelo and Villacedre, also on the 2nd and 3rd terraces of the river.

Subsequently found many vestiges of the Roman presence, we must not forget that Trobajo passed one of the main Roman roads of the peninsula that was Tarraco to Lucus Augusta, built in the first century, just as they begin to emerge cities Leon and Astorga; They have been found on several occasions Roman coins; some of Oro. In the book Inscriptions Roman in the Province of León Francisco Diego Santos says there is deposited in San Marcos a Roman inscription found in Trobajo with the text “privatum” measures 30 by 21 centimeters, it seems that serve to define a farm or land (currently located in the newly opened Museum of León), possibly the second century. In 1885, the Commission for Historical and Artistic Monuments of Leon notes that “Don Isidro Santos, the people of Trobajo de Arriba, says the mouth of the wheel is inscribed stone, and that in a land of their own found pieces triangular tiles “, the estate of Don Isidro was in the place of” La Calzada “or” Poza old “current street Guzman el Bueno and where the Roman road passed.

In the 1922 book on the “Villa Romana de León” in Navatejera, it mentioned the existence of the remains of a Roman villa between Trobajo and Oteruelo. Also in the “Correspondence of Spain” in the May 1865 periodic visit civil governor of Leon and Mr. Saavedra, individual Academy history to recognize the area between Trobajo and Armunia where remains have been found mentioned tiles, bricks and pots.