Molinaseca .


The origin and significance of Molinaseca, is linked to the Pilgrims Bridge, a construction of Romanesque plant that rises above the river Meruelo. There the people whose historical part ends at the foot of the old stone cross two unmistakable symbols of its Jacobean tradition begins.

In the Middle Ages, he belonged to a manor Molinaseca directly dependent on the royal authority Alfonso VI. The first Lord of the villa was Count Ramiro Froilaz, nephew of the Cid.

In this period, the eleventh century, their first date hermitages and hospitals: Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Santa Marina Hospital, San Roque… In 1605, in the early seventeenth century, there were iron mines near the town


-Sanctuary Of Ntra. Ms. of Sorrows. It stands to the right of the Camino de Santiago. Its origins are linked probably with a small chapel of S. XI. The tower at the foot, his head tucked into the mountain, its transparent dome and side porches with semicircular arches, belong to the late seventeenth century. Inside, highlights the head with its large dome and lantern, a majestic altarpiece of the Churriguera school and Reja, with important data about the history of the sanctuary bisects the campus. Holder image is a beautiful carving, influenced by the School of Becerra. In the second body of the tower, looms the beautiful statue in stone image Title, linked to the influence of the school of Gregorio Fernández Valladolid. In times past, its doors have had to be protected with iron sheets, because devotees and pilgrims were carrying the small chips as a relic.

-Church Of San Nicolas de Bari. Splendid example of religious art. It belongs to the second half of the seventeenth century. Set high, dominates the town, majestic and lordly. Outside, an elegant tower rises with a body of bells; clock, large proportions and is combined with daily living. In the first body of the tower, on hornacina, sculpture, stone, Holder with the symbol of one of his miracles. Stand out for their historical and artistic value, the main entrance, the three interior naves separated by stone pillars and arches domed baroque altarpiece of two bodies and three streets with twisted columns ajarronadas, the magnificent Gothic carving of the Crucified the size of the Immaculate bombastic garments, that of St. John the Baptist, the relief of the Baptism of Jesus and Presentation in the Temple and Cajonería from the seventeenth century with its floral decoration.

-Real street. Calle Real has ordered, as always, the urban life of the village and has been, and is, the traditional pilgrim step. Luce manor and the distinction of its stone houses, its mansions and palaces. The noble houses evoke past glories: the mansion of Don Pelegrin, with corner tower, solar Balboa strong house, the palace of Cangas and Pambley, with beautiful facades between two towers and magnificent shields, emblazoned house of the family of the Valcarce-Ossorio. Recollect narrow streets open perpendicular to the Real Street. A run to the (North) River, others towards the mountain (South). Here, the Calle Real unfolded in another parallel. The houses are lined up close together, separated by narrow alleys where hardly fit one person; it fully occupies the space flight of roofs; no walls exist in these cases gutters. This scheme main street and smaller streets (parallel) with transverse alleys is an urban paradigm of the Camino de Santiago.

-Bridge Of the Pilgrims. Over Miruelo or Meruelo in Molinaseca river was done by the “Medieval Bridge” which gives access to the Calle Real. The bridge, “beautifully crafted and beautiful picture,” and the only pedestrian del Bierzo, identifies the villa. The factory of the three oldest vaults -today Dull throughout the bridge- suggests, according to some authors, a Roman origin. Copious documentation is there of it from the twelfth century. He suffered throughout history several extensions and modifications. The pride shown by the villagers before his “Medieval Pilgrims Bridge” is justified. It represents, in Toral de Merayo, one of the jewels of the historical heritage of the region.

The width of the bridge varies from 2.6 meters at its eastern side, to almost 4 meters in the downhill at the Royal Street. Seven lights masonry vaults ranging from 4.20 m. to 8 m. The first three on the right bank belong, perhaps, to an older bridge; They are partially buried so their arches seem escarzanos. The other four, more modern, are barrel and stilted; Also today, they are modified

-bridges Mal Paso. The river Miruelo occurred during the Quaternary an incision in “V” in your course on a soft pre-existing paleorelief in the upper regions, undeveloped valley floor. In its twelve kilometers long and at its head, two daring bridges over the impetuous channels called Big and Small streams rise. These streams are joined later to Miruelo river (this river is often called by Mayor River that forms the Big and Small streams). Both bridges, single arch, perhaps from Roman times, served as a way to transport gold from Las Médulas. Voices and through Ferradillo, they entwined after the “Via Augusta” following through the port of Foncebadón.

Today these bridges, called the Malpaso are half-hidden, almost lost because of the difficulty of accessing them. “Bridges of Malpaso, two bridges of a single arch, over the river, time of the Romans, who served as a passage for transporting gold from Las Médulas Carucedo to Rome. Hiking is the only resource to reach them . they are in the center of a triangle formed by the towns of Lombillo, Molinaseca and Irrigation Ambrós.

-Crucero Of Santo Cristo. At the exit of the village, the “Old Cruise” indicating that the road continues … It is a beautiful Jacobean reason. Already it mentioned in a donation that in 1,202 makes Doña Igobor the Monastery of Sobrado. For it gives the monks numerous properties in Molinaseca. The cruise stands on a plinth based or square and four steps, rough granite. Above them the stone cross stands. Cruise column is octagonal with edges. The cruise has been added a crucified Christ, somewhat theatrical, framed under glass reliquary that blanket. Although the current cruise does not seem medieval, itself occupies the same place as had an earlier. Today, the Crucero del Santo Cristo is a witness over old compostelano way, we still marking the past and present of the route.