San Juan de Ortega .


The town of San Juan de Ortega is located within the municipality of Barrios de Colina – BURGOS.

San Juan de Ortega administratively defined as Smaller Local Organization or Neighborhood Board.

The governing body composes a mayor defined as village headman or president of the neighborhood and also consists of the Neighborhood Assembly consisting of the registered inhabitants in the town.

The Camino de Santiago makes this small town a meeting, in which we find in a quiet environment rich in cultural and environmental heritage creating a diversity of tourists and pilgrims that enrich even evil human culture that they transmit to us. Tourists and pilgrims who visit than in the spring and summer an average of over 100 people daily.


Juan Velazquez, religious who will make history as San Juan de Ortega, born in the Burgos town of Quintanaortuño in 1080. It is fully handed over his life to the task of helping the Pilgrims with the construction of roads and bridges, but his great work in the fixed Montes de Oca with the construction of a church dedicated to St. Nicholas of Bari and a small monastery.

The Holy dies on 2 June 1163 and his work does not end with his death, but continues for years to consolidate a monastic complex that we are today.


On June 2 and the first Saturday of June it is celebrated in the town a traditional pilgrimage in honor of San Juan de Ortega.


The Monastery of San Juan de Ortega is configured with the Monastic Church, Chapel of St. Nicholas of Bari or Capilla del Santo, Cloister of the Jeronimos and Pilgrims Refuge where we found a small claustrillo brownstone.

CAPITEL of the Annunciation

In this Romanesque capital which narrates the cycle Nativity a curious phenomenon to be appreciated depend on weather conditions, as a ray of sunlight illuminates sequentially on March 21 and September 22 at 5 occurs in the afternoon solar time.